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Relying on screenshots can lead you to write documentation that only describes the UI, instead of what you can do with it or what the data visible in a dashboard means and where it comes from.

She knows more than most about the challenges, opportunities and strategies of how to get the most out of a remote working environment, including what it takes to foster inclusivity and ensure every team member feels equally valued. Here she shares her strategies for building an inclusive remote environment everyone can be proud to be part of.

One of the joys of working at a remote company is that you get to meet and work with people from all over the world. This creates a vibrance and diversity that is hard to replicate in a co-located company. It also comes with its challenges, particularly around communication and miscommunication, and so if you want to create inclusivity in a remote company which is welcoming to every member of staff, you need to put thought into making sure you create a culture where everyone feels included.


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